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【中英双语新闻】美中经济文化协会州长官邸周年庆 国会议员使馆官员地方政要齐到贺

2024-04-10 16:03 阅读量:9k+



   【华人头条南北卡罗莱纳绍山报道,郑剑、绍山摄影】2024年4月3日下午,美中经济文化协会(CAECA)在美国北卡州州长官邸(200 N Blount St,Raleigh,NC27601)举办协会周年庆及春宴活动,州长代表、州长夫人代表、州务卿、国会议员、市县领导、大学领导、中国驻美使馆官员、美中经济文化协会主要成员、华人代表、社区领袖共计130人参加了活动。南卡州哥伦比亚华人协会会长岑伟荃先生特地驱车来回十小时,夏洛特张献华女士专程赶来参加活动,New Burn 陈炎老板来回五小时赶来参加活动。CAECA创会董事长卫高荣先生主持整场活动,并逐一介绍主要嘉宾。 




       北卡州州长罗伊·库珀的代表(Chief Staff of Governor Roy Cooper)克里斯汀·琼斯女士(Kristin Jones)致辞说,2017年当库珀州长和第一夫人刚搬进州长官邸时,他们就想把这里建成人民之家,希望所有人都可以来到这里,喜欢这里,都有宾至如归的感觉。今晚代表州长和第一夫人热烈欢迎大家。同时,北卡州是经商的最佳地点,感谢诸位为北卡州做出的贡献。 

北卡州州长罗伊·库珀的代表(Chief Staff of Governor Roy Cooper)克里斯汀·琼斯女士(Kristin Jones)致辞

       北卡州第一夫人克里斯汀·库珀的代表(Chief Staff of Kristin Cooper)格雷格·摩尔先生(Greg Moore)致辞表示,第一夫人深感歉意今晚不能出席,但是希望大家在“人民之家”度过一个美好的夜晚。

北卡州第一夫人克里斯汀·库珀的代表(Chief Staff of Kristin Cooper)格雷格·摩尔先生(Greg Moore)致辞 









       美国联邦国会议员瓦莱丽·富希女士(Valerie Foushee)致辞说,看到了很多熟悉的面孔,很荣幸在这美丽的春天和大家一起参加今晚的活动。 首先感谢协会创会董事长卫高荣先生的邀请,感谢协会成员一直以来为加强两国间经济文化联系所做的努力。北卡州特别是三角区地区能拥有如此强大且充满活力的华裔社区非常幸运,协会以不同的方式为许多企业、大学、医院和研究机构做出了贡献。协会还提倡美国与中国和其他亚洲国家保持密切有效的联系,你们所有人都发挥着关键作用。 在华盛顿你们选出的代表了解你们的观点,并与你们家乡的亲人朋友保持畅通的沟通渠道。作为大家的代表,我将始终积极参与,对国内外的政治问题进行直接深入的思考。我们强大的力量始终植根于我们的多样性,对所有文化和传统的尊重,以及宪法赋予的言论自由和宗教自由。通过分享和庆祝重要的文化传统,充满活力和多元化的北卡州社区之间可以进一步加强联系。我相信美中经济文化协会在这方面会继续努力,我也期待未来与大家同舟共济。 

美国联邦国会议员瓦莱丽·富希女士(Valerie Foushee)致辞

       北卡州州务卿伊莱恩·马歇尔女士(Elaine Marshall)致辞说,很高兴出席今天的活动。我是协会的常客,很少缺席。毫无疑问,北卡罗来纳州充满机遇,无论是生活方式、气候、教育机会还是商业机会。非常感谢协会做的工作。我觉得最好的外交就是为人民服务。外交官会轮换,政府政党会更替,但我相信友谊长存。陪伴意味着我们在世界各地都有朋友。 不知道大家是否注意到了现在到处春暖花开,阳光灿烂。 我刚从欧洲回来,我身上这个是东欧人庆祝春天的标志。无论人们以何种方式庆祝春天,都会分享大自然的荣耀。 希望我们也有机会分享,让我们的孩子和父辈获得和平、安宁和充实的生活。大家通过相识了解,这是我们最强大的基础,使我们有可能实现目标,让世界所有人拥有和平、和谐和充实的生活。感谢大家的支持,感谢你们为社区所做的一切。 

北卡州州务卿伊莱恩·马歇尔女士(Elaine Marshall)致辞

       北卡州莫里斯维尔市市长考利先生(TJ Cayley)致辞说,我经常参加活动,喜欢与人交往。在莫里斯维尔我们的座右铭是“紧密相连,好好生活”。 这一点非常重要,因为生活中我们都与他人保持联络和交往,身远心近。 我们正在努力为我们的孩子们提供真正优质的教育,让他们能够轻松地生活和成长。现在我们想建更长的机场跑道,以便可以有直飞中国的航班,我们对此都非常期待。莫里斯维尔是全美最适合居住的地方之一,我们会努力做得更好,使每个人和企业都受益。 我们的人口中有46% 是亚裔,是北卡州最多元化的城镇之一,对此我们非常自豪,也是我们的力量所在。欢迎大家去莫里斯维尔走走看看。

北卡州莫里斯维尔市市长考利先生(TJ Cayley)致辞

       国会议员Wiley Nickel办公室主任Alicia Speedy、莫里斯维尔市议员Steve Rao、Sau校长Marcus Burgess、北卡州立大学商学院讲师Donavan Favre、北卡室内交响乐团指挥Nicole Muti、企业家Rose Lu先后上台致辞。

国会议员Wiley Nickel办公室主任Alicia Speedy致辞

       活动还邀请了柯老师学生刘子谦演奏钢琴,贾子晗唱歌。在欢歌笑语中,Lisa Huang的旗袍队成员还邀请男士们翩翩起舞。 另外,部分协会主要成员还接受了采访。




       CAECA创会董事长卫高荣先生高兴地说,今天的活动将近有20位VIP出席,如:美国联邦国会议员瓦莱丽·富希女士(Valerie Foushee),还有她的幕僚长Salima Thomas,她是北卡第四选区的国会议员(前任是David Price) ,第十三选区国会议员Wiley Nickel 派办公室主任Alicia Speedy 代表,还有第二选区的黛博拉·罗斯(Deborah Ross),莫里斯维尔市市长TJ 考里,坎贝尔大学常务副校长John Roberson。 另外,SAU 校长Dr.Burgess的演讲对华人的感谢感人至深。

         CAECA会长李勐先生表示,此次活动高朋满座,今年是第一次邀请中国大使馆官员到州长官邸参加活动。出席嘉宾除了政要和协会成员,还有华人领袖,如华人联合会CAFA,Asian Focus,汉语学校RALS等,约130多人,是协会中等规模的活动。协会从2015年成立以来已经举办了几百场活动,有的几百人参加,有的几十人参加,活动的新闻报道也有几百篇之多。协会周年庆典活动近几年基本都在州长官邸举办,因为对于北卡人来说这是个非常重要的地方,可以说是北卡州的符号,就像白宫也是符号,是代表美国的一个重要地方。在州长官邸举办活动不仅便于政要们出席,也便于协会把活动做大、做好、做强。

         感谢牛志文、Billy Xiao、张伟用、任平、赵明、孟军,官诗晖,陈琼,柯秀亭,陈炎,Lisa Huang 等对此次活动的赞助,感谢CAECA 副主席邢新力博士捐赠百余罐保健咖啡。卫高荣 先生是CAECA的灵魂人物,个人经历丰富,1984-1986 任职IBM China 系统工程师驻北京三年,见证了中国的发展历程,从当年一无所有(1982-1992 大学毕业工资56元) 到如今一无所缺,挤身世界前矛。3月20日那天因协会接待工作劳累血压升高至185/110,幸遇针久名医徐大夫三针降下血压,救回78 岁老命。如今的他子孙满堂,不为名利,为祖国尽棉薄之力,只求囯泰民安,世界和平!

国会议员黛博拉·罗斯(Deborah K Ross)发来贺信

莫里斯维尔市议员Steve Rao致辞

北卡著名Campbell University堪贝尔大学执行校长Dr.John Roberson(左二)致辞

Sau校长Marcus Burgess致辞

北卡州立大学商学院讲师Donavan Favre致辞

北卡室内交响乐团指挥Nicole Muti致辞

企业家Rose Lu致辞










English Version

China-America Economic Cultural Association Governor’s Mansion Anniversary Celebration, Congress Members, Local Officials, and Embassy Officers All Gather to Congratulate

By: Natalie Wu

On the afternoon of April 3, 2024, the China-America Economic Cultural Association (CAECA) held its annual celebration and spring banquet at the Governor’s Mansion in North Carolina (200 N Blount St, Raleigh, NC 27601). The event was attended by representatives of the Governor and the First Lady, the Secretary of State, Congress members, city and county leaders, university leaders, officials from the Chinese Embassy in the USA, key members of the CAECA, representatives of the Chinese community, and community leaders, totaling 130 participants. Mr. Wei Quan Cen, the President of the Columbia Chinese Association in South Carolina, drove ten hours back and forth to attend the event. Ms. Xianhua Zhang from Charlotte made a special trip to participate, and Mr. Yan Chen from New Bern spent five hours traveling back and forth to join the festivities. Mr. John Wei, the founding chairman of CAECA, hosted the entire event and introduced the main guests one by one.

The celebration began with a prayer led by evangelist Wang Zhuoman, followed by an invitation to the nationally renowned pianist Ms. Florience Ko to perform both the American and Chinese national anthems. Subsequently, guests took turns delivering speeches to offer their congratulations.

Ms. Kristin Jones, Chief of Staff to Governor Roy Cooper, said in her speech that when Governor Cooper and the First Lady first moved into the Governor’s Mansion in 2017, they envisioned it as a home for the people, hoping everyone would feel welcome and at home here. She extended a warm welcome to everyone on behalf of the Governor and the First Lady this evening. Additionally, she highlighted that North Carolina is the best place for business and expressed gratitude for the contributions made by everyone to the state.

Mr. Greg Moore, Chief of Staff to the First Lady of North Carolina, Kristin Cooper, conveyed in his speech that the First Lady deeply regrets her absence this evening but hopes everyone spends a wonderful night at the “People’s House.”

Mr. Peng Douyi, the Minister Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, read a congratulatory letter from Ambassador Xie Feng, which states:

“I am delighted to hear that the China-America Economic Cultural Association is hosting its celebration for the Spring Festival and annual meeting. On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, I extend warm congratulations to the association and send my sincerest greetings and best wishes to the Chinese diaspora in North Carolina and friends from all walks of life.

 “China is North Carolina’s third-largest export market and the largest source of imports. The vast number of overseas Chinese in North Carolina have rooted themselves in the local community, with hearts tied to their ancestral home. Through their actions, they exemplify the virtues of hard work and bravery, showing resilience and entrepreneurial spirit, making outstanding contributions to the economic and social development of the United States, and playing a significant role in promoting exchanges and cooperation between China and the U.S. 

“In November last year, President Xi Jinping and President Biden held a historic meeting in San Francisco, reaching over 20 consensus agreements. This not only stabilized and improved U.S.-China relations but also set forth a shared vision for joint efforts, known as the ‘San Francisco Vision.’ This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S. In this new year, we look forward to the continued concern and support from the vast number of overseas Chinese in North Carolina and friends from all sectors for the development of U.S.-China relations and the friendly endeavors between the two peoples. We hope everyone continues to be promoters of Chinese culture, narrators of Chinese stories, advocates of mutually beneficial cooperation, and facilitators of people-to-people friendship, contributing to the stable, healthy, and sustainable development of U.S.-China relations. 

“The dragon symbolizes good fortune and strength in traditional Chinese culture. On this joyous occasion of the Spring Festival, I wish everyone a very prosperous Year of the Dragon, happiness for your families, and success in all your endeavors! May U.S.-China relations flourish and the friendship between our peoples last forever!” 

Minister Counselor Peng added that the bilateral relationship between China and the U.S. is directly related to world peace and stability and continues to impact the lives of people around the world. This includes how much people spend on daily purchases, how much they can save, whether they can lead a more environmentally friendly life soon, and the joy of watching pandas at the zoo, among other aspects. It also pertains to the number of jobs Chinese investment can create in the U.S., as well as American investments in China. The development of this relationship affects everyone, and as guardians of this bilateral relationship, we hope that everyone can act as bridges and bonds, making their own efforts to build this great bilateral relationship.

Mr. Steve Niu, Chairman of the China-America Economic Cultural Association, said in his speech that the association has done a lot of work over the past nine years. The association positions itself as a “bridge,” facilitating exchanges between the United States and China and connecting businesses from North Carolina with Chinese enterprises. Over the past few years, many Chinese companies have invested and set up factories in North Carolina, attracted by the state’s excellent investment opportunities. Secretary of State Marshall has been very supportive of the association, actively participating in every event. Today’s event also sees the attendance of friends from different regions. Going forward, the association will continue to strive to serve the community, play its role as a bridge between the two countries and between businesses, and sincerely hopes that everyone will join us in building our community.

Congresswoman Valerie Foushee said in her speech, “It is great to see so many familiar faces, and I am honored to join you all in this beautiful spring evening for tonight’s event. First, I would like to thank Mr. John Wei, the founding chairman of the CAECA, for his invitation, and express my gratitude to the members of the association for their efforts in strengthening the economic and cultural ties between our two countries. North Carolina, especially the Triangle area, is very fortunate to have such a strong and vibrant Chinese community. The association has contributed in various ways to many businesses, universities, hospitals, and research institutions. The association also advocates for maintaining close and effective ties between the United States and China, as well as other Asian countries, and all of you play a key role. Your representatives in Washington understand your views and maintain open channels of communication with your family and friends back home. As your representative, I will always be actively involved and deeply ponder domestic and international political issues. Our strength always lies in our diversity, respect for all cultures and traditions, and the freedom of speech and religion granted by our constitution. By sharing and celebrating important cultural traditions, we can further strengthen the connections between the vibrant and diverse communities in North Carolina. I believe the China-America Economic Cultural Association will continue to work hard in this regard, and I look forward to facing the future together with all of you.”

NC Secretary of State Elaine Marshall , said in her speech, “I am delighted to attend today’s event. I am a regular at the association’s events and rarely miss them. Without a doubt, North Carolina is filled with opportunities, whether it be lifestyle, climate, educational opportunities, or business opportunities. I am very grateful for the work that the association does. I believe that the best diplomacy is serving the people. Diplomats rotate, governments and political parties change, but I believe that friendships last forever. Companionship means that we have friends all around the world. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s spring everywhere now, the flowers are blooming, and the sun is shining. I just returned from Europe, and this I’m wearing is a symbol of celebrating spring in Eastern Europe. No matter how people celebrate spring, they share in nature’s glory. I hope we also have the opportunity to share and provide our children and elders with a peaceful, serene, and fulfilling life. Getting to know each other is our strongest foundation, making it possible for us to achieve our goals and for everyone in the world to have a peaceful, harmonious, and fulfilling life. Thank you all for your support and for everything you do for the community.”

Mayor TJ Cayley of Morrisville , North Carolina, said in his speech, “I often attend events and enjoy socializing with people. In Mooresville, our motto is ‘Tightly knit, live well.’ This is very important because we all keep in touch and interact with others, staying close at heart despite distances. We are working hard to provide our children with truly quality education, allowing them to live and grow up comfortably. Now, we are looking to extend our airport runway to enable direct flights to China, which we are all eagerly anticipating. Mooresville is one of the best places to live in America, and we strive to make it even better, benefiting everyone and every business. Our population is 46% Asian, making us one of the most diverse towns in North Carolina, which we are very proud of and is a source of our strength. Everyone is welcome to visit and see Morrisville for themselves.”

(Alicia Speedy, Chief of Staff to Congress memeber Wiley Nickel)

(Congress member Deborah K. Ross sent a congratulatory letter)

Morrisville City Councilman Steve Rao, SAU Interim President Dr. Marcus Burgess , NC State University College of Business instructor Donavan Favre, North Carolina Chamber Orchestra conductor Niccoló Muti, and entrepreneur Rose Lu took the stage in succession to deliver their speeches.

The event also featured a piano performance by Liu Ziqian, a student of  Florience Ko, and a singing performance by Jia Zihan. Amidst the joyful singing and laughter, members of Lisa Huang’s QiPao Team also invited the gentlemen to dance gracefully. Additionally, some of the association’s key members were interviewed.

(Members of the QiPao Team also invited the gentlemen to dance gracefully.)

(Adam Zhang, a Board Member of CAECA and a generous donator of this event)

Mr. Adam Zhang, a Board Member of CAECA, traveled from China to attend the Governor’s Mansion celebration. He expressed his deep honor to participate in the CAECA annual meeting, “It is with great honor that I attend the CAECA annual meeting. Under the strong leadership and jointefforts of the association’s leadership, this spring banquet gained support from many sectors of Chinese and American society, making it a commendable achievement.

In an interview, Mr. Guan Shihui, a director of CAECA, said, “I am attending this event as a member of the association’s board of directors. Under the leadership of Mr. John Wei, I have been part of this association for four to five years. I hope the association will enhance the friendship between China and the United States and help more Chinese people.”

Mr. Yao Guoxun, a director of CAECA from Hong Kong and involved in the automobile industry, expressed his fortune in meeting Mr. John Wei, the founder of CAECA, upon his arrival in North Carolina. He mentioned that more and more people from China are coming here, and he is delighted to see many friends in this place.

Mr. John Wei, the founding chairman of CAECA, happily noted that today’s event was attended by nearly 20 VIPs, such as Congress member Valerie Foushee and her Chief of Staff Salima Thomas, who represents North Carolina’s 4th district (previously represented by David Price), Alicia Speedy, the Chief of Staff representing Congress memebr Wiley Nickel of the 13th district, as well as Congress member Deborah Ross of the 2nd district, Morrisville  Mayor TJ Cayley, and Campbell University’s Executive Vice President John Roberson. Additionally, the speech by SAU  Dr. Burgess, expressing gratitude towards the Chinese community, was deeply moving.

Mr. Li Meng, the president of CAECA, stated that the event was well attended, marking the first time Chinese Embassy officials were invited to participate in an event at the Governor’s Mansion. In addition to politicians and association members, the attendees included Chinese community leaders from organizations such as the Chinese American Friendship Association (CAFA), Asian Focus, and the Raleigh Academy of Chinese Language (RACL), totaling about 130 people. This makes it a medium-sized event for the association. Since its establishment in 2015, the association has hosted hundreds of events, ranging from dozens to hundreds of participants, with numerous reports in the news. In recent years, the annual celebration events of the association have been held at the Governor’s Mansion, as it is a very important place for North Carolinians, symbolizing the state much like the White House symbolizes America. Hosting events at the Governor’s Mansion not only facilitates attendance by political figures but also helps the association to expand, improve, and strengthen its activities.

Gratitude was expressed towards Steve Niu, Billy Xiao, Zhang Weiyong, Ren Ping, Zhao Ming, Meng Jun, Guan Shihui, Chen Qiong, Ke Xiuting, Chen Yan, Lisa Huang, and others for their sponsorship of the event, and special thanks were given to CAECA Vice President Dr. Xing Xinli for donating over a hundred cans of health coffee.

Mr.John Wei is described as the soul of CAECA, with a rich personal history. He served as an IBM China systems engineer stationed in Beijing for three years from 1984 to 1986, witnessing China’s development journey from having very little (with a college graduate salary of 56 yuan from 1982 to 1992) to now lacking nothing and ranking among the world’s forefront. 

Now, surrounded by his descendants, he seeks neither fame nor fortune but contributes his modest efforts for the prosperity of his homeland. His only wish is for the nation’s peace and prosperity, and for peace around the world!

The event hosted by CAECA was a resounding success, filling every seat with over 130 attendees. Despite Mr. John Wei announcing multiple times that the event had concluded, the well-planned and richly filled program left the participants thoroughly satisfied and reluctant to leave. The attendees were captivated, clearly enjoying the engaging atmosphere. This event not only received unanimous praise from those present but also demonstrated the organizers’ meticulous preparation and attention to detail, significantly bolstering community cohesion. It was, without doubt, a triumphantly successful gathering.

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