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2024-03-23 12:00 阅读量:5k+






尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布 (Bola Tinubu) 已禁止部长、机构负责人和其他政府官员自 2024 4 1 日起为期三个月的公共资助出国旅行。这一决定是在2024 3 12 日的一封信中传达的,由参谋长签署给总统费米·巴贾比亚米拉 (Femi Gbajabiamila)签署,并致联邦政府秘书乔治·阿库姆 (George Akume)。该禁令是节省成本措施的一部分,旨在让内阁成员和 MDA 负责人重新关注各自有效提供服务的任务。蒂努布总统此前曾下令减少他在当地和国外旅行的陪同人员数量,此前在一个大型代表团出席在阿拉伯联合酋长国举行的第二十八届缔约方会议(COP28)后遭到强烈反对。该禁令要求寻求公共资助出国旅行的政府官员至少在旅行前两周获得总统批准,这必须被认为是绝对必要的。这项临时措施旨在在不损害政府职能的情况下降低治理成本。


Tinubu places three-month ban on foreign trips for ministers, others

The President of Nigeria, Bola Tinubu, has implemented a ban on public funded foreign trips for ministers, heads of agencies, and other government officials for a period of three months starting from April 1, 2024. This decision was communicated in a letter dated March 12, 2024, signed by the Chief of Staff to the president, Femi Gbajabiamila, and addressed to the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, George Akume. The ban is part of cost-saving measures and is intended to refocus cabinet members and heads of MDAs on their respective mandates for effective service delivery. President Tinubu previously issued an order to reduce the number of individuals accompanying him on both local and foreign trips, following a backlash after a large delegation attended the twenty-eighth Conference of Parties (COP28) in the United Arab Emirates. The ban requires government officials seeking to go on public funded foreign trips to obtain presidential approval at least two weeks before the trip, which must be deemed absolutely necessary. The temporary measure aims to reduce costs in governance without compromising government functions.

2.谢蒂玛 (Shettima) 成立技能委员会

尼日利亚副总统卡西姆·谢蒂玛强调了在该国建设熟练劳动力的重要性。在重组后的国家技能委员会就职典礼上,谢蒂玛概述了政府培养熟练劳动力的关键战略,包括协调技能发展政策、快速推进国家技能资格框架、建立融资机制以及倡导专业认证。他还强调了 NCS 在为技能生态系统提供政策指导方面的作用,并宣布理事会增加两名新成员。谢蒂玛承认非正规部门对国家国内生产总值的重大贡献,承诺解决该部门缺乏标准化和监管的问题。他还强调了技术和职业教育与培训作为政府行动计划第四个支柱的重要性,并敦促理事会成员合作制定全面的行动计划。会议还讨论了在全国范围内建立技能中心的提议、计划中的国家职业技能发展政策,以及协同努力、想法和资源以加快建筑及相关行业工匠技能培训的必要性。多位政府部长、各组织代表以及理事会成员出席了会议。


Shettima inaugurates council on skills

The Vice President of Nigeria, Kashim Shettima, has emphasized the importance of building a skilled workforce in the country. At the inauguration of the reconstituted National Council on Skills, Shettima outlined the government's key strategies for achieving a skilled workforce, including harmonizing skills development policies, fast-tracking the National Skills Qualification Framework, establishing funding mechanisms, and advocating for professional certification. He also highlighted the NCS's role in providing policy direction for the skills ecosystem and announced the addition of two new members to the council. Shettima pledged to address the lack of standardization and regulation in the sector, recognizing the significant contribution of the informal sector to the nation's GDP. He also emphasized the importance of Technical and Vocational Education and Training as the fourth pillar in the administration's action plan and urged council members to collaborate on developing a comprehensive action plan. The meeting also involved discussions on the proposed establishment of Skills Centres across the country, the planned National Policy on Vocational Skills Development, and the need for synergizing efforts, ideas, and resources to fast-track skills training for artisans in the construction and related industry. The meeting was attended by several government ministers, representatives from various organizations, and members of the Council.




China reaffirms commitment to supporting Nigeria’s education system

The Chinese Consul-General, Lagos, Yan Yuqing, reaffirmed China’s commitment to supporting the development of Nigeria’s education system during the launch of the free Chinese Online Classroom Project in Ogun State. The project, donated by the Ogun-Guangdong Free Trade Zone in collaboration with the Chinese Ministry of Education, aims to cultivate Chinese-speaking talents, bolster local economies, and foster mutual understanding. The Deputy General Manager of China-Africa Investment FZC emphasized the program's focus on equipping university undergraduates and locals with skills in the Chinese language, with over 600 individuals already registered for the classes. The project coordinators highlighted the goal of bridging the gap between workers and experts through knowledge transfer, emphasizing the improvement of technical skills and vocational knowledge. The Ogun State Commissioner of Education, Science and Technology expressed the government's readiness to accommodate the teaching of Chinese in its curriculum. The Chinese ambassador to Nigeria, Cui Jianchun, had previously vowed to strengthen ties with Nigeria, and the event was attended by several distinguished individuals, including representatives from Yunnan Agricultural University, Guangdong New South Overseas Investment Holdings Co., Ltd, China Glass Holdings Co., Ltd, and Senda Group Nigeria Branch.


尼日利亚陆军正在派遣 157 名士兵前往南苏丹阿卜耶伊执行维和任务。这些士兵完成了部署前训练,并被陆军当局警告要成为国家的好大使,避免从事性剥削和贩毒等可能损害尼日利亚形象的行为。提醒士兵们遵守交战规则、尊重人权和作战环境的多样性。行动负责人强调尼日利亚武装部队部署优质维和人员的承诺和能力,作为其对全球和平与安全贡献的一部分。尼日利亚国防政策优先考虑非洲特别是西非次区域的安全与稳定,并继续通过参与世界各地的和平支持行动来寻求全球和平与安全。


157 soldiers set for deployment on peacekeeping in Sudan

The Nigerian Army is sending 157 soldiers on a peacekeeping mission to Abyei in South Sudan. The soldiers completed pre-deployment training and were warned by the army authorities to be good ambassadors of their country, avoiding acts such as sexual exploitation and drug trafficking which could tarnish Nigeria's image. The soldiers were reminded to adhere to the rules of engagement, respect human rights, and diversity in the operating environment. The Chief of Operation emphasized the commitment and capacity of the Armed Forces of Nigeria to deploy quality peacekeepers as part of its contributions to global peace and security. Nigeria's National Defence Policy prioritizes the security and stability of Africa, particularly the West African sub-region, and the country continues to seek global peace and security by participating in Peace Support Operations worldwide.


该文件讨论了尼日尔州州长 Mohammed Umaru Bago FHA 董事总经理兼首席执行官 Oyetunde Ojo 之间的一次会议,Bago 承诺为联邦住房管理局 (FHA) 提供土地,以在该州建设经济适用房计划。 Bago 表示愿意与 FHA 签署谅解备忘录 (MoU),并保证得到各部委的支持。他还提到了在特殊农产品加工自由区建造住宅区和农场以及为工人提供住房的计划。另一方面,奥乔寻求国家援助为住房项目提供土地,并解释说该项目将分为三个层次,适合不同的收入阶层。联邦住房管理局将使用当地承包商,并允许受益人定制他们的房屋内部。联邦住房管理局还打算建立一个侨民城市,并为其项目提供严密的安全保障。


FHA gets Bago’s nod on land for housing scheme

The document discusses a meeting between Niger State Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago and FHA Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer Oyetunde Ojo, where Bago pledged to provide land for the Federal Housing Authority (FHA) to build an affordable housing scheme in the state. Bago expressed readiness to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with FHA and assured support from various ministries. He also mentioned plans to build housing estates and farm estates, as well as housing for workers at the Special Agro-Processing Free Zone. Ojo, on the other hand, sought the state's assistance in providing land for the housing project and explained that the project would be in three strata for different income classes. The FHA would use local contractors and allow beneficiaries to customize the interior of their houses. The FHA also intended to have a Diaspora City and provide tight security for its projects.


联合国助理秘书长阿胡娜·埃齐亚康瓦-奥诺奇 (Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochie) 女士在联合国纽约妇女的地位人权委员会第 68 届会议上对阿比亚州州长亚历克斯·奥蒂 (Alex Otti) 所取得的快速进展感到兴奋和高兴。她赞扬了奥蒂州长为该国发展所做的努力,并引用了联合国开发计划署在卢旺达举行的一次会议上值得称赞的报告。 Eziakonwa-Onochie 还承诺联合国开发计划署将支持通过技术进步为阿坝州制鞋业带来可持续增长,并实现成品出口。州长的妻子奥蒂夫人感谢联合国助理秘书长的支持,并保证奥蒂州长对该州的计划和方案将按照他的愿景和竞选承诺得到执行。


UN secretary hails Otti’s development initiatives

The Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa-Onochie, expressed her excitement and joy at the rapid progress made by the governor of Abia State, Alex Otti, during a meeting at the 68th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York. She praised Governor Otti's efforts towards the state's development, citing laudable reports from a UNDP meeting in Rwanda. Eziakonwa-Onochie also pledged UNDP's support in bringing sustainable growth to Aba's shoe-manufacturing industry through technological advancement, with the aim of exporting finished products. The wife of the governor, Mrs. Otti, appreciated the UN Assistant Secretary General's support and assured that Governor Otti's plans and programs for the state would be executed in line with his vision and campaign promises.


拉各斯州青年和社会发展部与拉各斯州居民登记机构合作,宣布了在该州登记青少年的计划。该倡议由专员 Mobolaji Ogunlende 领导,旨在创建一个可靠的 18-35 岁青少年数据库。注册将于 2024 3 25 日至 3 29 日期间每天上午 8 点至下午 4 点在伊凯贾 Alausa 秘书处的 Adeyemi Bero 礼堂进行。现场注册后,申请人将在线完成该流程。常务秘书 Toyin Oke-Osanyintolu 强调,此次演习将使该部能够有效规划青年计划并分配资源。向该部注册是参与这些举措的先决条件,这些举措旨在支持正规和非正规青年部门。总体目标是制定支持青年发展并帮助他们实现愿望的政策和计划。


Lagos plans database for youths

The Lagos State Ministry of Youth and Social Development, in partnership with the Lagos State Resident Registration Agency, has announced plans to register youths in the state. The initiative, led by Commissioner Mobolaji Ogunlende, aims to create a reliable database of youths aged 18-35. The registration will take place from March 25 to March 29, 2024, at the Adeyemi Bero Auditorium in Alausa Secretariat, Ikeja, from 8 am to 4 pm daily. Following the physical registration, applicants will complete the process online. Permanent Secretary Toyin Oke-Osanyintolu emphasized that the exercise will enable the ministry to effectively plan youth programs and allocate resources. Registration with the ministry is a prerequisite for accessing these initiatives, which are designed to support both formal and informal youth sectors. The overall goal is to create policies and programs that support youth development and help them achieve their aspirations.

8.专家敦促 FG 利用人工智能解决腐败问题

该文件讨论了利用人工智能 (AI) 和数据分析来提高尼日利亚财务透明度和早期欺诈检测的重要性。技术专家和人工智能倡导者阿德索坎·阿约德吉(Adesokan Ayodeji)强调了这些工具对于确保经济稳定、可信度和投资者对该国金融部门的信心的重要性。 Ayodeji 指出,面对复杂的骗局,传统的欺诈检测方法已不足以应对,而人工智能和数据分析为打击欺诈活动提供了有前景的解决方案。他强调了人工智能和数据分析通过机器学习算法、自然语言处理技术和预测分析彻底改变欺诈检测的潜力。尽管有潜在的好处,但尼日利亚采用人工智能和数据分析面临着挑战,例如获取高质量数据的机会有限、基础设施不足以及熟练专业人员的短缺。该文件强调,政府机构、金融机构和技术提供商需要共同努力,克服这些挑战,并充分发挥人工智能和数据分析在打击金融欺诈方面的潜力。它还呼吁对人工智能研发、数据基础设施和劳动力培训进行投资,以建立可持续进步的必要能力。人工智能和数据分析的整合被认为对于提高尼日利亚的财务透明度和欺诈检测具有巨大的希望,但需要共同努力和合作伙伴关系来克服实施挑战并充分发挥其在促进该国金融诚信和问责制方面的潜力。


Deploy AI to tackle corruption, expert urges FG

The document discusses the importance of utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data analytics to enhance financial transparency and early fraud detection in Nigeria. Adesokan Ayodeji, a tech expert and advocate of AI, emphasizes the significance of these tools in ensuring economic stability, trustworthiness, and investor confidence in the country's financial sector. Ayodeji points out that traditional methods of fraud detection are inadequate in the face of sophisticated schemes, and AI and data analytics present promising solutions to combat fraudulent activities. He highlights the potential of AI and data analytics in revolutionizing fraud detection through machine learning algorithms, natural language processing techniques, and predictive analytics. Despite the potential benefits, the adoption of AI and data analytics in Nigeria faces challenges such as limited access to quality data, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of skilled professionals. The document stresses the need for collaborative efforts between government agencies, financial institutions, and technology providers to overcome these challenges and realize the full potential of AI and data analytics in combating financial fraud. It also calls for investments in AI research and development, data infrastructure, and workforce training to build the necessary capabilities for sustainable progress. The integration of AI and data analytics is seen as holding immense promise for enhancing financial transparency and fraud detection in Nigeria, but concerted efforts and collaborative partnerships are needed to overcome implementation challenges and realize their full potential in advancing financial integrity and accountability in the country.



拉各斯州政府宣布计划建立医疗自由贸易区,以促进药品的本地生产,并为健康及相关行业创建工业和创新中心。卫生部长阿金·阿巴约米教授强调,政府致力于为当地生产商和初创企业创造有利的环境,以扭转该国的药品进口比例。政府计划聘请国家药物管理和控制局(NAFDAC)和港口管理局等监管机构来推动该项目,并建立一个医疗监管机构。 NAFDAC 总干事 Mojisola Adeyeye 教授敦促制药行业的参与者采用国际标准并利用质量来扩大本地生产。西非制药展览会为制药领域的参与者提供了一个探索行业内进步、创新和网络的平台,其目标是推动进步和改善健康结果。 B2B Events 董事总经理将尼日利亚描述为制药业的中心,并强调了发展价值链和探索当地药品合同制造合作伙伴关系的机会。


Lagos mulls medical free trade zones for drug manufacturing

The Lagos state government has announced plans to establish a Medical Free Trade Zone to promote local production of pharmaceutical products and create industrial and innovation hubs for the health and related sectors. Commissioner of Health, Professor Akin Abayomi, emphasized the government's commitment to creating an enabling environment for local producers and start-ups to reverse the ratio of drug importation into the country. The government plans to engage regulators such as the National Agency for Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) and the Ports Authority to drive the project, and establish a medical regulatory agency. The Director General of NAFDAC, Professor Mojisola Adeyeye, urged players in the pharmaceutical sector to adopt international standards and leverage quality to scale up local production. The Pharma West Africa Exhibition provides a platform for players in the pharmaceutical space to explore advancements, innovations, and networking within the industry, with the goal of driving progress and improving health outcomes. The Managing Director of B2B Events described Nigeria as the epicentre of pharmaceutical business and highlighted the opportunity to develop the value chain and explore partnerships for local contract manufacturing of drugs.

2.Access Bank 将收购肯尼亚国家银行

文件摘要如下: Access Bank将从KCB集团手中收购肯尼亚国家银行,这是该银行在五年内第二次收购肯尼亚银行。该交易尚需获得肯尼亚和尼日利亚央行监管部门的批准。 KCB集团首席执行官Paul Russo宣布了此次收购,并表示这将有利于NBK的未来。 Access Bank 秘书 Sunday Ekwochi 确认了此次收购,并强调这符合该银行的非洲扩张战略。此次收购是 Access Bank 五年战略计划的一部分,旨在将该银行定位为非洲通往世界的门户


Access Bank to acquire National Bank of Kenya

The summary of the document is as follows:Access Bank is set to acquire the National Bank of Kenya from the KCB Group, marking its second acquisition of a Kenyan bank in under five years. The deal is contingent upon receiving regulatory approvals from the central banks of Kenya and Nigeria. KCB Group's CEO, Paul Russo, announced the acquisition, stating that it will be beneficial for NBK's future. Access Bank's Secretary, Sunday Ekwochi, confirmed the acquisition and emphasized that it is in line with the bank's African expansion strategy. The proposed acquisition is part of Access Bank's five-year strategic plan aimed at positioning the bank as "Africa's Gateway to the World."


尼日利亚联邦政府正计划开始向其他非洲国家和全世界出口技术工人,特别是焊工和技术人员。钢铁发展国务部长乌巴·麦加里·艾哈迈杜 (Uba Maigari Ahmadu) 表示,当技能获取得到良好协调时,可以将其出口,为国家赚取外汇。政府的目标是使其努力与重燃希望议程保持一致,并预计在一两年内看到成果。焊接联合会首席执行官阿约·奥格坦 (Ayo Ogtan) 强调了整合技能的重要性,以培养管道建设、船舶建造和选矿厂等领域的专家。他还强调了尼日利亚人成为各个领域专家的潜力,并列举了尼日利亚焊工为巴西世界杯体育场建设做出贡献的例子。


FG to begin export of skilled welders, technicians soon

The federal government of Nigeria is planning to begin the export of skilled workers, particularly welders and technicians, to other African countries and the world at large. The Minister of State for Steel Development, Uba Maigari Ahmadu, stated that when skills acquisition is well coordinated, it can be exported to earn foreign exchange for the nation. The government aims to align its efforts with the Renewed Hope Agenda, and expects to see results within a year or two. The Chief Executive Officer of the Welding Federation, Ayo Ogtan, emphasized the importance of integrating skills in order to create specialists in areas such as pipeline construction, ship construction, and mineral processing plants. He also highlighted the potential for Nigerians to become specialists in various fields, citing examples of Nigerian welders who contributed to the construction of a stadium in Brazil for the World Cup.




Fed Govt to investors: embrace hydropower

The Federal Government has called on investors to prioritize heavy investments in hydropower, similar to the investments made in solar power technology. Minister of Power, Adebayo Adelabu, made the statement at a capacity building training in Abuja aimed at promoting small hydropower development standards in West and East Africa. The workshop, which drew participants from Africa, focused on the development of international standards for small hydropower plants. Adelabu emphasized the importance of small hydropower in bridging the electricity demand and supply gap in Africa, particularly in Nigeria. He also highlighted the ministry's efforts to decentralize electricity generation and stressed the relevance of small hydropower in achieving climate change objectives, energy transition plans, energy security, and providing energy access to the population.


该文件是关于固体矿产开发部长 Dele Alake 在尼日利亚矿业和地球科学协会 (NMGS) 年会上发表演讲的文章。阿拉克敦促采矿专业人士提高技能和知识,培养下一代矿工,以赢得世界各地同行的尊重。他强调了采矿工程师和地质学家在勘探和开采领域提供的专业服务的重要性,并指出,如果没有他们的投入,采矿作业将是一项艰巨的挑战。阿拉克还敦促采矿专业人士在中学阶段进行启蒙活动,并发起竞赛和活动,让许多年轻人看到从事采矿科学职业的优势。


Improve your skills, groom youths, Alake tells mining professionals

The document is an article about a speech delivered by Solid Minerals Development Minister Dele Alake at the annual conference of the Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS). Alake urged mining professionals to improve their skills and knowledge and to groom the next generation of miners in order to earn the respect of their counterparts across the world. He emphasized the importance of professional services rendered by mining engineers and geologists in the areas of exploration and extraction, noting that without their input, mining operations would have been a herculean challenge. Alake also urged mining professionals to engage in enlightenment at the secondary school level and to initiate contests and activities that will make many youths see the advantages of pursuing careers in mining sciences.


由州长巴巴加纳·祖鲁姆领导的博尔诺政府致力于实现粮食自给并扩大经济作物和其他农产品的出口。在参观博科里灌溉农场时,祖鲁姆强调了该州出口玉米、木薯和芝麻的潜力,并强调投资灌溉农业以最大限度提高粮食产量的重要性。州长宣布计划在不久的将来启动芝麻和其他经济作物的出口,同时还指示将灌溉计划扩大到覆盖三个参议院区的 300 公顷。祖鲁姆表示,在采购了 10,000 公顷的滴灌套件后,该州有能力耕种至少 1000 公顷的土地。州政府秘书、农业和自然资源专员以及农业转型团队成员等政府高级官员出席了此次访问。


Borno targets export of sesame, other cash crops

The Borno Government, led by Governor Babagana Zulum, is focused on achieving food sufficiency and expanding the export of cash crops and other farm products. During a visit to the Bokkoiri irrigation farm, Zulum highlighted the state's potential to export maize, cassava, and sesame, emphasizing the importance of investing in irrigation agriculture to maximize food production. The governor announced plans to initiate the export of sesame and other cash crops in the near future, while also directing the expansion of the irrigation scheme to cover 300 hectares across the three senatorial zones. Zulum expressed confidence in the state's ability to cultivate at least 1000 hectares after procuring 10,000 hectares of drip irrigation kits. The visit was attended by senior government officials, including the Secretary to the State Government, Commissioners for Agriculture and Natural Resources, and members of the agriculture transformation team.


1.尼日利亚研究人员有能力帮助马铃薯种植者 研究所

该文件描述了尼日利亚研究人员在适当资金的支持下开发生物技术和本地改造马铃薯的潜力。国家块根作物研究所的 2024 年年度审查和规划研讨会强调了利用政府资金和研究成果为农民提供抗晚疫病的转基因马铃薯的计划。尼日利亚全球生物技术马铃薯合作伙伴关系首席研究员查尔斯·阿马迪博士强调了该项目的跨国性和多部门性质,该项目由美国国际开发署资助并由密歇根州立大学支持。他强调了当地能力建设的必要性,包括科学家培训和实验室设置,并强调了持续提供资金以确保项目可持续性的重要性。研究人员希望政府提供充足和及时的资金,以及必要的基础设施和安全保障,以创造有利的工作环境。


Nigerian researchers competent to help potato farmers – Institute

The document describes the potential for Nigerian researchers to develop biotechnology and locally transform potatoes with proper funding. The National Root Crop Research Institute's 2024 Annual Review and Planning Workshop highlighted the plan to provide farmers with genetically modified potatoes resistant to late blight disease, using government funds and research findings. Dr. Charles Amadi, the Principal Investigator of the Global Bio-Tech Potato Partnership in Nigeria, emphasized the multinational and multisectoral nature of the project, funded by USAID and anchored by Michigan State University. He stressed the need for local capacity building, including scientist training and laboratory setup, and emphasized the importance of continued funding to ensure project sustainability. The researchers are looking to the government for sufficient and timely funding, as well as the necessary infrastructure and security for a conducive working environment.

2.Medlab 西非举办拉各斯会议

Medlab 西非和 Pharmaconex 西非会议定于 2024 4 22 日至 24 日在拉各斯地标中心举行,旨在重塑整个西非的医疗保健格局并推动创新。该活动为行业专业人士、思想领袖和企业提供了无与伦比的机会,让他们在医学实验室和药品制造领域进行合作并实现积极的变革。 Medlab West Africa 将举办六场经 CPD 认证的高级别会议,提供由知名专家主持的有针对性的会议,涵盖实验室管理、质量、血液学、输血、临床微生物学、寄生虫学、分子诊断、临床化学和解剖病理学等关键主题。 Medlab 西非的回归被视为在增强西非医学实验室部门能力、促进合作、职业发展和知识交流方面向前迈出的重要一步。与此同时,Pharmaconex 旨在连接整个价值链的主要利益相关者,以加速药物发现、开发和制造,最终改善所有人获得救生药物的机会。


Medlab West Africa holds Lagos conference

The Medlab West Africa and Pharmaconex West Africa conference, scheduled for April 22 to 24, 2024 at the Landmark Centre, Lagos, aims to reshape the healthcare landscape and drive innovation across West Africa. The event offers industry professionals, thought leaders, and businesses unparalleled opportunities to collaborate and effect positive change in the medical laboratory and pharmaceutical manufacturing sectors. Medlab West Africa will feature six high-level CPD-accredited conferences, providing targeted sessions led by renowned experts covering critical topics such as laboratory management, quality, hematology, blood transfusion, clinical microbiology, parasitology, molecular diagnostics, clinical chemistry, and anatomic pathology. The return of Medlab West Africa is seen as a significant step forward in empowering the West African medical laboratory sector, fostering collaboration, career development, and knowledge exchange. Meanwhile, Pharmaconex aims to connect key stakeholders across the value chain to accelerate medicine discovery, development, and manufacturing, ultimately improving access to life-saving medication for all.



该文件讨论了尼日利亚男性福音歌手与外国人结婚的最新趋势。这突显了福音歌手西奥菲勒斯周日宣布与他的牙买加女士阿什莉·怀特订婚后在社交媒体上引起的轰动。文章还提到了另一位福音歌手摩西·布利斯 (Moses Bliss) 与其加纳妻子玛丽·怀斯伯恩 (Marie Wiseborn) 的婚礼。歌手蒂姆·戈弗雷 (Tim Godfrey) 与其美国未婚妻艾丽卡 (Erica) 订婚并随后结婚,进一步体现了尼日利亚福音歌手与非尼日利亚女性结婚的趋势。这份文件反映了粉丝们的各种反应,一些人表示惊讶,另一些人则祝贺歌手们与外国人结合。


Male gospel singers who married foreigners

The document discusses the recent trend of male Nigerian gospel singers marrying foreigners. It highlights the buzz created on social media after gospel singer Theophilus Sunday announced his engagement to his Jamaican lady, Ashlee White. The article also mentions the wedding of another gospel singer, Moses Bliss, to his Ghanaian wife, Marie Wiseborn. The trend of Nigerian gospel singers marrying non-Nigerian women is further exemplified by the engagement and subsequent marriage of singer Tim Godfrey to his American fiancee, Erica. The document presents a mix of reactions from fans, with some expressing surprise and others congratulating the singers on their unions with foreigners.

2.奥拉·罗蒂米 (Ola Rotimi) 的戏剧焕然一新

本文讨论了 Nevana Productions Terra Kulture 制作的 Ola Rotimi 戏剧《Man Talk Woman Talk》的新作品。导演奥斯汀·奥诺哈致力于为观众提供难忘的戏剧体验。该剧由 Ihuoma Daniel 制作,演员包括 Korede “Korexx” AjayiJoy NmeziOladotun Olagbadebo Stanley Okeke。该剧将于四月的周六和周日上演,门票可通https://tix.africa/buy/man-talk-woman-talk 购买。

Ola Rotimi’s play for a fresh twist

The article discusses a new production of Ola Rotimi's play "Man Talk Woman Talk" by Nevana Productions and Terra Kulture. The director, Austine Onuoha, aims to provide the audience with an unforgettable theatre experience. The play is produced by Ihuoma Daniel and features performers Korede "Korexx" Ajayi, Joy Nmezi, Oladotun Olagbadebo, and Stanley Okeke. The production will run on Saturdays and Sundays in April, with tickets available for purchase through https://tix.africa/buy/man-talk-woman-talk.




Delayed mother tongue policy creates learning crisis for pupils

The article discusses the delayed implementation of the National Language Policy in Nigeria, which allows the use of mother tongue to teach children up to primary six. It highlights the learning crisis faced by pupils, particularly in rural communities, with low literacy and numeracy rates among children. The World Bank's study revealed that 70% of Nigerian children at the basic education level cannot read, write, or solve elementary numeracy tasks. The article also emphasizes the importance of teaching in the mother tongue, as studies have shown that children learn better and faster in their mother tongue. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has successfully tested initiatives promoting mother language-based education in various countries.There is a call for the implementation of the national language policy, which was approved in 2022, and the article highlights the support from former President Muhammadu Buhari and former Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu. The National Educational Research and Development Council (NERDC) and the National Library of Nigeria also back the use of indigenous languages in teaching and learning, particularly at the basic education level. The article also highlights the warning from the Universal Basic Education Commission (UBEC) that the learning crisis could hinder Nigeria from achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. UNICEF's Education Manager stressed the importance of taking action to address the learning crisis and the use of mother tongue to improve motivation for both teachers and students.




Using poetry as a tool for national development

The document "Using poetry as a tool for national development" by Chinaka Okoro discusses the role of poetry in societal development and its significance in the celebration of World Poetry Day. It emphasizes the unique characteristics of poetry, such as emotional expression and aesthetic qualities, as well as its role in inter-generational communication. The document also highlights the objectives of World Poetry Day, including sustaining linguistic diversity, honoring poets, and promoting poetic expression. Additionally, it underscores the role of poetry in Nigeria, citing its influence in shaping society and challenging societal issues. The document also discusses the potential of poetry in addressing social justice issues and serving as a platform for marginalized voices. Moreover, it acknowledges the socio-political impacts of poetry and the use of political poetry as a means of social commentary. Finally, the document calls for government support in reviving interest in poetry and promoting its creativity.




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