

Adult $1880儿童 Child $1780起 

出发时间 23/12

行程特色 Highlights

Vrigin 航班回來(包20KG的托運行李+7KG的手提行李)

The return ticket from Vrigin (including 20KG check in baggage and 7KGhand bag)


A original botanical garden with a full range of tropical plants


The inspiration of the source for the product "the city of the sky" - Japaneseanimation master Miyazaki


Take a variety of luxurious sun lovers to the outer reefs


High-end resort in Port Douglas

世界自然遺產保護對象之一 的庫蘭達熱帶雨林公園

One of the world's natural heritage protection objects - Kuranda Tropical 

費用包含 Inclusions

機票:國內航班機票及其稅Domestic airfare & taxes

酒店:全程5 ★酒店住宿
5 ★ Hotel accommodation

交通:全程機場酒店接送Coach Transportation

門票:行程中所列景點門票Admissions as indicated

Professional Chinese speaking tour guide

膳食:酒店早餐,行程上所列午餐 (B=早餐,L=午餐)
Hotel breakfast & Lunch as indicated (B=Breakfast, L=Lunch 

費用不含 Exclusions

機票:國際航班機票及其稅International airfare & taxes


門票:自費項目Optional Programs

Travel insurance (strongly recommended)

消費:一切純屬個人性質消費Personal expenditure 

預訂條款 Terms & Conditions:

Child price which applies to child under 12 years

Admission rates listed in itinerary are for reference only; and subject to change

Actual order of itinerary may change according to day tour departures

Passengers must arrive pick up point on time, due to guide will leave on time to protect all other passengers on tour continued for their itinerary

·特殊情況下列如人數,天氣,交通,接送機等原因但不只限於此原因,本公司保留修改行程,取消或替換旅遊項目,延長或縮短路程的權利Special conditions occurred like weather, traffic, flight delay or more, we reserved the rights to change, amend or cancel the itinerary

We do not take any responsibilities for any loss or delay due to traffic or any accident

No cancellations allow once confirmed 

Day1 接机,市区观光


Meet and greet by our friendly guide at the airport, visit CairnsBotanic Gardens. Explore Cairns city area including Esplanade,Reef fleet terminal and Lagoon etc. 

Day2 天空之城阿瑟顿高原一日游(早餐、午餐)

早上酒店出發,前往帕羅尼拉公園(Paronella Park),這個西班牙古堡據說是日本漫畫家宮崎駿名作《天空之城》的原型,也因此而得名“天空之城”。園中的導遊會帶您參觀這個精心規劃並用愛心搭建起來的城堡,還原古堡當年的奢華和輝煌,並向你娓娓講述古堡背後美麗動人的夢想成真的故事,您的夢想在這裡也可以得到延續。在園中用完午餐,前往以其靈秀而得名的米拉米拉瀑布,彷彿在綠林中垂下的一簾白紗,因此也被喻為新娘的頭紗。開車繼續前行,一望無際的北部高地藍色天空,加上綠樹齊整的農場畫出一副粗獷紅土地風光。窗簾無花果樹(Curtain FigTree)是幾株巨大的無花果樹盤根錯節相互纏繞在一起,就像掛在雨林中的一幅巨大的窗簾,你會不禁為大自然的鬼斧神工而讚歎。穿過熱帶雨林,抵達世外桃源般靜謐的火山湖--百靈湖(Lake Barrine),您可以沿著湖畔小徑去尋找千年的情人樹,或者在湖邊的咖啡館點上一杯咖啡和自製的司康餅,眺望被熱帶雨林環繞的湖面,感受視覺和味覺的雙重享受。行程結束,踏著夕陽返回凱恩斯。09:00-09:30 depart from hotel to Paronella Park, Pursuit thefamous Japanese Cartoonist Hayao Miyazaki’s footsteps to findout the story of the castle. Travel to Lake Barrine, via the MillaMilla Falls - known as Bride’s Veil, follow by Curtain Fig Tree,and explore the blue sky, Millennium Valentine tree along thelakeside path. You could also enjoy a cup of coffee and home-made scones at the lakeside café which surrounding bytropical rainforest before head back to Cairns. 

Day3 摩尔大堡礁精彩一日游(早餐、午餐)

早上酒店出發,導遊送您到碼頭搭乘豪華遊船前往摩爾礁(Moore Reef)。摩爾礁屬於外堡礁,因為更靠近外海,去的人較少,這裡的珊瑚礁群保護更完好、色彩更鮮豔,海水更清澈碧藍。遊船抵達海上浮台後,你可以搭乘玻璃底船和半潛水艇觀賞各式各樣的珊瑚礁和五顏六色的熱帶魚,可以使用船上免費提供的浮潛用具享受在大海中與魚兒海龜一同暢遊的樂趣,而且包含四星級自助午餐。想更深一步與大堡礁親密接觸的朋友,還可以自費參加深海潛水($145)或海底漫步($155),如果想從空中來俯瞰大堡礁的壯麗,10分鐘直升機觀光($179)是您最好的選擇。船上為您提供美味的海鮮自助餐,美食美景,讓您樂不思蜀!盡情遊玩後,下午乘船返回凱恩斯,自行步行回酒店休息。 (當天會有導遊陪同上船)

Own arrange to wharf between 09:30-10:00, boarding onto the Sunlover cruiseto Moore Reef. Explore the beautiful corals, tropical fish and sea turtle throughthe glass bottom boat and snorkelling, you can also visit the island’s crocodilemuseum, enjoy the crocodile feeding show or fish feeding at your own expens-es. Also may join Introductory Scuba Dive ($145/pp), Sea Walker ($155/pp) orScenic Flight (10mins $179/pp). 

Day4 丹翠热带雨林生态探秘游(早餐、午餐)

早上酒店出發,乘車前往棕櫚灣(Palm Cove),眾多歐式建築會讓你有種到了歐洲小鎮的錯覺。隨後前往高檔度假勝地道格拉斯港(Port Douglas),赤腳在金色海灘上漫步,躺在搖曳的棕櫚樹下放空心情,是何等愜意啊!在道格拉斯港的野生動物棲息地(Wildlife Habitat),您不僅可以享受跟澳洲小鸚鵡共進午餐的樂趣,還能跟澳大利亞特色動物如袋鼠考拉等親密接觸。這裡的居民大都是本地的特有物種或珍稀物種,野生動物棲息地為您近距離地觀察它們在自然環境中的生態作息提供了難得的機會。繼續前往丹翠國家公園(Daintree National Park),到了茅斯曼峽谷,你就感覺回歸了自然。走在古老的原始雨林中,不時有清澈見底的涓涓溪流從你腳下歡快地流過,鳥兒在你耳邊淺吟輕唱,蝴蝶在你頭頂翩翩起舞,魚兒在你身邊游來遊去。戲水於冰涼清澈的山澗,享受叢林徒步的樂趣。帶著漂亮的照片和愉快的心情,送您返回酒店。

09:00 depart from hotel to the world renowned resort - Port Douglas along themost beautiful beaches of the Northern part - Palm Cove, explore the fancy palmtrees around the golden beach. Visit the Port Douglas Wildlife Habitat and enjoylunch with Australian Lorikeets, you could also see the Australia’s iconic animalsand other rare wildlife habitat closely. And then head to the Mossman Gorge,explore the Daintree pristine rainforest scenery and enjoy the bushwalking withthe endangered plants and ancient rainforest animals before return back to Cairns. 

Day5 热带雨林土著文化园、库兰达小镇一日游(早餐、午餐)

酒店早餐後前往熱帶雨林公園,這裡您可以觀看土著舞蹈表演,觀看土著梭鏢投擲,親自體驗投擲迴力標,並乘坐上過二戰戰場的水陸兩用軍車(ArmyDuck)到古老的熱帶雨林中去探索古老動植物。在此享用豐盛的自助午餐。下午前往 ”熱帶雨林第一村”,自由逛街和拍照,,給親朋好友淘一些當地特色的旅遊紀念品,收集一些土著紀念品如迴力鏢、袋鼠皮、手工藝畫、木製的收納盒, 品嚐一些當地的美食或者冰淇淋. 最後遊客可以自費乘坐火車$50/大人,$25/兒童)或者纜車($51/大人,$25.5/兒童)觀賞熱帶雨林和巴倫瀑布壯麗景觀。導遊在火車或纜車終點站接您並送到機場。

Visit Rainforest Station for Pamagirri Aboringinal experiences including dreamtimewalk, dance show and the Army Duck battlefield in World War II to explore ancientplants and animals, BBQ lunch before travel to Kuranda Village, you could find somelocal souvenirs, taste of local cuisine or ice cream. After, you can experience KurandaScenic Railway ($50/Adult, $25.5/Child) or Skyrail($51/Adult, $25.5/Child) explorethe ornamental rainforest and magnificent landscape of Barron Falls. Guide will pickyou up from the terminus and transfer to airport. 

